
[v2,08] arm64: dts

Hello, This series adds Device Trees for the Realtek RTD1293 and RTD1296 SoCs and Synology DiskStation DS418j and DS418 NAS devices. v2 was updated to YAML ...

Networks Realtek RTD1293 dual-core 1.4 GHz

Networks - Realtek RTD1293 dual-core 1.4 GHz · 1 x ARM: 1016 MHz · 2 · AL21400 · AMD Ryzen V1500B · Intel Xeon · Intel Xeon E5-2603V4 / 1.7 GHz · Intel® Skylake ...

Synology Realtek RTD1293 Dual Core, DDR4

Ideal for your private cloud DS418j is a 4-bay NAS server designed for home office and personal use to efficiently manage, protect and share data.

DS418j 4

Synology (DS418j) – DS418j 4-Bay / Realtek RTD1293 / Dual Core 1.4 GHz (64bit) / 1GB DDR4 / 2 x USB 3.0 / 1 x Gigabit / SHR, RAID 0,1,5,6,10 / 2 x IP Cam ...

[v2,68] arm64: dts: realtek

Add Device Trees for RTD1293 SoC and Synology DiskStation DS418j NAS. Cc: [email protected] Signed-off-by: Andreas Färber <[email protected]> --- v1 -> v2: ...


Realtek RTD1293. CPU Architecture, 64-bit. CPU Frequency, Dual Core 1.4GHz. Hardware Encryption Engine, YES. Memory. System Memory, 1GB DDR4. Storage. Drive ...


The RTD1295 series is a cutting-edge High Definition Media Processor SoC (System-on-Chip) for Consumer Electronics featuring a Trusted Execution Environment.

我的Synology NAS 使用哪種CPU?

Realtek RTD1619B, 4, 4, ✓, rtd1619b, DDR4 1GB. x23 系列. 型號, CPU ... Realtek RTD1293, 2, 2, ✓, rtd1296, DDR4 1GB. DS218+, Intel Celeron J3355, 2 ...


Hello,ThisseriesaddsDeviceTreesfortheRealtekRTD1293andRTD1296SoCsandSynologyDiskStationDS418jandDS418NASdevices.v2wasupdatedtoYAML ...,Networks-RealtekRTD1293dual-core1.4GHz·1xARM:1016MHz·2·AL21400·AMDRyzenV1500B·IntelXeon·IntelXeonE5-2603V4/1.7GHz·Intel®Skylake ...,IdealforyourprivatecloudDS418jisa4-bayNASserverdesignedforhomeofficeandpersonalusetoefficientlymanage,protectandsharedata.,Synolo...